Saturday, June 16, 2012

Electronic "Vapor" Cigarettes

Smoke your Vapor King e-cigarette anywhere!

With no smoke and very minimal smell, the vapor king can be used anywhere! Instead of having to go out for a smoke break and rush back in to beat the time clock, an office smoker can simply enjoy a smoke at their desk! Bars, restaurants, offices, and airports are just a few of the places that the electronic cigarette has been accepted and widely used.

Select your own nicotine strength and flavor with electronic cigarettes.

There is no tobacco cigarette on the market that lets you choose your own nicotine strength. With every single cartridge the Vapor King electronic cigarette gives you the option on how much nicotine you want to be using. We have cartridges in a variety of nicotine strengths and also carry (no-nicotine) cartridges as well. To change nicotine strength or flavor all you have to do is simply change the cartridge. The vapor cigarette is the way to go!

No bad breath, yellow teeth, ashtrays, lighters or cigarette butts with the Vapor King e-cig.

With the removal of harsh smoke the Vapor King vapor cigarette successfully removes many of the downfalls typically associated with smoking. Say goodbye to smokers breath, yellow teeth and the smell of smoke on your clothes. You can also get rid of all that smoking paraphernalia including lighters, ashtrays and cigarette butts. With the e-cig there is no more need for these items.

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