Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tobacco Cigarettes versus Electronic Cigarettes

With the state of today’s economy, people are looking for ways to save money.  Wallets are taking a major hit with the rising cost of cigarettes.  Not only is the cost per pack on the rise, but lawmakers are adding more and more taxes to discourage people from purchasing tobacco products.  A pack of cigarettes costs about $5 on average.  In New York City, the higher cost in addition to city and state taxes have pushed that price to over $10 per pack.  For those looking to save money and control their costs, switching to electronic cigarettes is an attractive alternative.

If you are a pack a day smoker, the savings can be significant.  The average yearly cost of smoking tobacco cigarettes is approximately $1825.  However, if you were to invest in an electronic cigarette system, one cartridge is equivalent to a pack of cigarettes.  Typically, you can find a package of 3 electronic cigarette cartridges for about $10.  This would mean that your cost would be approximately $1210 for an entire year, an annual savings of over $615.  In addition, since there is no tobacco in an electronic cigarette, they are not affected by tobacco taxes.  This makes them significantly cheaper than traditional cigarettes.  While there is an investment up front with electronic cigarettes, you will save quite a bit of money over time.

You can find an excellent assortment of electronic cigarettes online, and I have found the best combination of prices, as well as the most knowledgeable customer service at  Not only is their pricing competitive, but their product is far superior to most other electronic cigarette stores.

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